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Gender and Psychopathology

Dear Colleagues,

Sex is basic to life. Many sex and gender differences in psychopathology (affective disorders, psychotic disorders, substance dependence disorders, posttraumatic disorders and personality disorders) have been delineated. There are genetic and epigenetic differences between the two sexes at birth and, subsequently, men and women are exposed to different internal and external stressors and buffers over the course of the lifespan.

This issue aims to showcase the latest research trends in gender differences in psychopathology. We invite authors to report gender-related data in psychiatric diseases. Papers on epidemiology, cultural trends, hormones, genetics, epigenetics, brain imaging, gender-related stress exposure, drug response and aging are particularly welcome.

Professor Mary V. Seeman

Guest Editor

Submission Deadline: 31 January 2020

Online Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted online through Hapres Online Submission System. Please visit Guide for Authors before submitting a manuscript. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper as soon as it is ready and don’t need to wait until the deadline. Submissions will be sent to peer-review in order of arrival. Accepted papers will be published continuously in Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science and then gathered together on the special issue webpage. We welcome Research articles, Review papers and Short Communications. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website.

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Virtual Special Issue (VSI) is a collection of papers centered around a specific topic, led by an expert (Guest Editor) in the field. Virtual Special Issues are an important component of our journal and cover current hot topics within the scope of the journal.

All papers belonging to a Virtual Special Issue will be gathered together on a single webpage. They are published in the regular issues of the journal as soon as publishable, and labeled as belonging to the Virtual Special Issue. A link from each paper will take you to the Virtual Special Issue website.

Submissions to Virtual Special Issues will undergo the same rigorous peer-review process as regular papers submitted to the journal.

Guest Editor

  • Professor Mary V. Seeman

    Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

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